Common mistakes to avoid while developing React native apps

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React Native is a cross-platform mobile app development framework that uses JavaScript and React to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android. It is a popular framework due to its speed, efficiency, and ability to reuse code. However, there are some common mistakes that developers make when developing React Native apps.

Dependency on native app developers

One of the biggest challenges of React Native development is the dependency on native app developers. This is because React Native apps are not fully native, and some features require native code to be written. For example, if you need to use a native camera or GPS functionality, you will need to work with a native developer to integrate it into your app.

Limitations in the abstraction layer

The abstraction layer in React Native is what allows developers to use native components and APIs without having to write native code. However, the abstraction layer can also be a source of problems. For example, if there is a bug in the abstraction layer, it can affect all React Native apps that use that component or API.

Absence of support for multiprocessing or parallel threading

React Native apps are single-threaded, which means that they can only run one task at a time. This can be a problem if you need to run multiple tasks simultaneously, such as loading images and data.

Deployment of iOS is difficult

Deploying React Native apps to iOS can be more difficult than deploying to Android. This is because Apple has strict requirements for app submissions, and it can be difficult to get your app approved.

Here are some tips to avoid common mistakes when developing React Native apps:

  • Be familiar with the limitations of the abstraction layer.
  • Use native code only when necessary.
  • Test your app thoroughly on both iOS and Android.
  • Follow Apple’s guidelines for app submission.

Here are some additional tips that may be helpful:

  • Use a well-known React Native framework or library. This will help you avoid reinventing the wheel and save time on development.
  • Use a good code editor or IDE. This will make it easier to write and debug your code.
  • Join the React Native community. This is a great way to get help and learn from other developers.

Common React Native App Development Mistakes

  • Wrong Redux Store Planning: Redux is a powerful tool for managing state in React Native apps, but it can be difficult to use correctly. If you don’t plan your Redux store carefully, you can end up with a complex and unmaintainable app.
  • Writing Logic in Components: React Native components should be responsible for presentational logic only. If you start mixing presentational and container logic in the same component, your app will become difficult to test and maintain.
  • Not Reading External Modules Codes: Using external modules without reading the code is tempting. However, this can lead to problems if the module is buggy or doesn’t work as expected. It’s always best to read the code and understand how the module works before using it in your app.
  • Not Writing Unit Tests: Unit tests are essential for ensuring the quality of your React Native app. They allow you to test individual components and functions in isolation, which helps you to identify and fix bugs early on.
  • Leaving console.log Statements: console.log statements are useful for debugging, but they should be removed from your app before releasing it to production. Leaving console.log statements in your app can slow down your app’s performance and make it more difficult to maintain.
  • Using Stateless Components for Performance: Stateless components are a great way to improve the performance of your React Native app. However, it’s important to use them correctly. If you use stateless components for components that need to store state, you’ll actually hurt the performance of your app.
  • Not Optimizing React Native Images: Images can take up a lot of space in your React Native app. It’s important to optimize your images to reduce their size and improve the performance of your app.


React Native is a popular framework for developing mobile apps. It is based on React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React Native allows developers to create native-looking apps that can be deployed to both iOS and Android devices.

Although React Native is a powerful framework, there are a few common mistakes that developers make when using it. These mistakes can lead to performance problems, poor user experience, and difficulty in debugging.